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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.2 No.1 pp.1-13
AVI/AEI 국제표준 동향과 국내표준 개발에 관한 연구
A study on the AVI/AEI International standardization and development of the Korea standard
This International Standard establishes an AVI/AEI System based on radio frequency technologies. This system is intended for general application in ITS. Specially, It allows the transfer of the identification codes and further information about equipment and vehicles used in intermodal transport into such CVO and information systems related to Intermodal Transport processes. The aim of this standard is to define, describe and specify Architecture, System Parameters, Numbering/ Data structures and interface related to an AVI/AEI system to provide an enabling Standard, which, whilst allowing the system specifier to determine the performance levels and operating conditions, provides a framework for nominal interoperability. The Standard is to establish a common framework to achieve unambiguous identification in AVI/AEI applications. Thes is AVI/AEI is designed to be an 'enabling' structure to allow interoperability between different commercial systems, and not prescriptive in determining any one system. The ISO TC204 WG4 has eight active work items. A new WI on ERI is progressing quickly; three WIs for the road environment and four multimodal WIs are under development. All Work Items are joint between CEN TC278 and ISO TC204 according to the Vienna Agreement, with CEN in the lead. The work is progressing with some delay. For all the work items, the countries who have appointed experts we: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Czech, Denmark France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, UK and USA. There are 30 registered experts. The study focus on the AVI/AEcl standardization and developing of the Korea standard