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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.2 No.1 pp.85-92

가격민감도 기법을 이용한 고속도로 교통정보의 적정가치 산정 연구


Estimation of optimal price of freeway traffic information using a price-sensitivity analysis

Lee, Eui-Eun,Kim, Jun-Jung


Due to the expansion of freeway networks in Korea, drivers have more routes to choose. Traffic information on various alternative roadway sections and routes may help drivers choose the optimal route that minimizes travel time or cost. Traffic information on roadways is, therefore, invaluable in sense that individual drivers could reduce their travel time or cost by selecting optimal routes, and furthermore total travel cost of the system could be lowered. However, consensus about the price of traffic information that drivers are willing to pay is not made yet. Current price of traffic information is decided according to the price of similar information such as stock, weather and so on. To investigate the value of traffic information, a survey was conducted at freeway rest areas near Seoul Megalopolis area including Kyunggi Province. Eight hundred drivers who had travelled on freeway within a year were randomly selected. Purposive Quota Sampling was used. A price-response function, a relationship between price and sales, was obtained based on the survey, followed by sensitivity analysis