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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.3 No.2 pp.75-83

중앙버스전용차로의 교차로 좌회전에 따른 버스 정지선 후퇴에 관한 연구


A Study on Backing Up Bus Stop Line according to the Left 쎠구 at Intersection on the Median Bus Lane

Hoon Oh,Jin-woo Lee,Young-ihn Lee


July 1, 2004 Seoul Metropolitan city is operating the Median Bus Lane System on Gangnam Main Street, Seongsan-Susaek-ro (Road) and Dobong- Mia-ro (Road) as one of the systematic reorganizations in public transportation. It has been assumed that there was an improvement in the speed of bus considering that the Median Bus Lane System practiced on Cheonho-daero (Main Street) since 1996 have had 35km/h on the average. If the Median Bus Lane goes into effect, there is a problem with the left turn on the crossroad. The buses go on the existing first lane so that the left fuming cars cannot help but turn left on the second lane. In case that the Median Bus Lane is put into practice, the left turn on the crossroad should not be allowed. However, if the left turn is not permitted on the crossroads in the aforementioned main streets, neighboring residents will complain about it and there will be some difficulties in finding other detour. On the premise that the prevalent left turn on the crossroads is allowed while the Median Bus Lane is being put into practice, this study suggests the separation of a stop line between buses and other vehicles as a way of fuming left in a safe manner and a way to calculate the appropriate distance.