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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.6 No.3 pp.33-44

교량 및 터널구간 차로운영 설계기준


Design Standard for Lane Operation in Bridges and Tunnels

Ho-In You,Young-Tae Oh,Choul-Ki Lee,Woohyun Chung


Prohibition of lane changes in bridges and tunnels have been many problems in throughputs of expressways caused by heavy vehicles and slow-moving traffics. Nevertheless, those are constructed actively by the general trends, which are preservation of environment and ecosystem are more important, because mountainous districts are about 70% across the whole extent of Korea. In this paper, the proper design standards for permission of lane changes in bridges and tunnels classified into structure, safe, and driver's conveniences are suggested as follows. 1. Right shoulder should have more than 2.5m in bridges and tunnels. 2. Sufficient equipments of guidance like as directional signs, fingerposts, variable message signs, and markings should be established to smooth and safe lane changes of drivers. 3. Snow melting systems should be established in bridges worried about freezing. 4. Tunnels must be not only satisfied standards for prevention of disasters (2004.11) and lighting rules (KSA 3703), but also established anti-freezing facilities in entrance and exit. 5. The drivers should have honed on their car lights.