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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.7 No.1 pp.32-41

신경망을 이용한 차량 객체의 그림자 제거


Cast-Shadow Elimination of Vehicle Objects Using Backpropagation Neural Network

Sung-Hwan Jeong,Jun-Whoan Lee


The moving object tracking in vision based observation using video uses difference method between GMM(Gaussian Mixture Model) based background and present image. In the case of racking object using binary image made by threshold, the object is merged not by object information but by Cast-Shadow. This paper proposed the method that eliminates Cast-Shadow using backpropagation Neural Network. The neural network is trained by abstracting feature value form training image of object range in 10-movies and Cast-Shadow range. The method eliminating Cast-Shadow is based on the method distinguishing shadow from binary image, its Performance is better(16.2%, 38.2%, 28.1%, 22.3%, 44.4%) than existing Cast-Shadow elimination algorithm(SNP, SP, DNM1, DNM2, CNCC).