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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.7 No.5 pp.159-169

도로유지비용을 고려한 사회적 후생에 관한 연구 : 천안~논산 구간을 중심으로


A Study on Social Welfare Reflecting Road Maintenance Cost: the Case of CheonanNonsan Lines

Kim, Woong-Yi,Park, Sang-Zoon,Kang, Kyung-Woo


The aim of this paper is to research the changes of social welfare by internalizing external cost, especially the maintenance cost. Main target of this paper is the CheonanNonsan Line, where private capital highway, national highway and local road are competing against each other. Considering the realistic difficulties in applying the First Best pricing, this paper applied the Second Best pricing, applying the maintenance cost, in lieu of the already mentioned. The demand functions of the toll roads were built through regression analysis. By reflecting the maintenance cost to the toll fee, It was able to confirm the variation of social welfare deriving from the traffic assign change but also the aspects of toll revenue at the same time. Result of applying the Second Best pricing shows merely a small change in social welfare. However, in the aspect of finance, it is analyzed that there will be about 13 billion won worth of financial effectiveness which will contribute to the reduction of the national financial support.