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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.7 No.5 pp.180-183
A Study on Synthetic OD Estimation Model based on Partial Traffic Volumes and User-Equilibrium Information
This research addresses the problem of estimating Origin-Destination (O-D) trip matrices from link volume counts, a set of unobserved link volumes and information of user equilibrium flows in transportation networks. A heuristic algorithm for estimating unobserved link flows is derived, which provides volume estimates that are approximately consistent with both observed flows and an assumption of user equilibrium conditions. These estimated link volumes improve the constraints associated with the synthetic OD estimation model, providing improved solution search procedure. Model performance is tracked in terms of the root mean square errors (RMSE) in predicted travel demands, and where appropriate, predicted linked volumes. These results indicate that the new model substantially outperforms existing approaches to estimating user-equilibrium based synthetic O-D matrices.