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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.8 No.3 pp.34-41
PDA기반 교통사고 조사 장치의 적용성 평가
Evaluation of Feasibility of PDA-based Traffic Accident Investigation Device
Recently, information-Ievel of the people has been increased with growing IT cutting-edge technology. There is a trend to combine these achievements with information-technology, ubiquitous technology, and mobile technology in the field of transportation. Along with this trend, a PDA-based traffic accident investigation device was developed. This paper established the evaluation method of feasibility test on the PDA device, and performed qualitative and quantitative evaluation as compared with the current practice (manual investigation). Test results showed that traffic accident investigation using the PDA device was faster and more convenient than manual investigation. It is expected that the reliability of accident investigation will be improved by applying this tool with minor modifications.