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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.8 No.3 pp.122-130


Image Feature Representation Using Code Vectors for Retrieval

Ahmad Nishat,Hui Zhao,Jong-An Park,Seung-Jin Park,Won-II Yang


The paper presents an algorithm which uses code vectors to represent comer geometry information for searching the similar images from a database. The comers have been extracted by finding the intersections of the detected lines found using Hough transform. Taking the comer as the center coordinate, the angles of the intersecting lines are determined and are represented using code vectors. A code book has been used to code each comer geometry information and indexes to the code book are generated. For similarity measurement, the histogram of the code book indexes is used. This result in a significant small size feature matrix compared to the algorithms using color features. Experimental results show that use of code vectors is computationally efficient in similarity measurement and the comers being noise invariant produce good results in noisy environments.