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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.9 No.3 pp.41-50
고속도로 VMS 정보 제공 시 우회율 산출에 관한 연구
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Traveler Detour Making Behavior for Providing Freeway VMS Information
This paper presents an investigation result that is made to determine dominant influencing factors and their specific impacts on motorist detour makings for VMS placements on freeway. This was necessary to provide engineers with a tool for evaluating VMS cost-effectiveness and its feasibility. This research found that additional travel time delay is the most influential variable in determining motorist detour makings. Also, more than 70% freeway motorists recognize the adjacent national roads as their detour routes, and both AADT and the distance to the entering point of the detour path are found to be dominating factors. Motorist detour ratio model by VMS placement on freeway is developed based on the Stated Preference. In model validation, actual detour making behaviors observed by the Revealed Preference values verify the detour ratio on the Stated Preference. These research findings should be useful for cost-effective placements of VMS on freeway, and it is recommended that the results be tested by practicing engineers in the ITS sector.