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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.9 No.4 pp.60-67

대전시 신호운영체계 개편에 따른 효과분석


Analysis of the Effects of Traffic Signal Operation Methods

Jung-Beom Lee,Beom-Kyu Lee


Delay reduction of vehicles at the intersection is highly dependent on the signal operation method. Most previous traffic operations have focused on minimizing delay by adjust traffic offset. However, these methods have limitation in solving traffic problem if the volume reaches or exceeds the capacity. In this paper, it was analyzed that the effectiveness of various signal operation methods such as left-turn prohibition, and using protected mixed with permitted left turn using the traffic data from Daejeon city. In case of the left-turn prohibition of a intersection, the control delay reduced from 54.2 seconds to 22.7 seconds and especially, the delay of the southbound was drastically reduced. In addition, the delay was highly reduced from 27.0 seconds to 12.1 seconds when the operation system was changed to use protected mixed with permitted left turn.