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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.10 No.3 pp.47-63

구간검지체계 도입을 통한 교통검지체계 설치기준 연구


A Study on Optimal Traffic Detection Systems by Introduction of Section Detection System

Nak-Joo Kim,Seung-Jun Lee,Sei-Chang Oh,Young-Tae Son


A traffic detection system can be deemed as a traffic data and information collection system to serve traffic policies, traffic management, and user services. The system plays a crucial role in verifying whether or not the current traffic system has issues or problems by checking out traffic data. In addition, the system does so in finding out a point or a section where an issue or a problem has occurred, if any, and in examining the causes of the issue or problem, the extent of its impact that has occurred and spread, and a method for resolving it. However, the existing point detection system of Korea has too many flaws. In order to fix the flaws, in this paper, the theoretical characteristics of the section detection system were researched in relation to the calculation of travel time. In addition, the travel time of probe cars was obtained by field survey, and it was compared to that of spot and section detection data. Then, simulation was performed to determine the optimal section detection interval. In conclusion, introduction of optimal section detection system was examined in order to achieve the advanced road management including traffic policy, traffic management, and user services.