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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.24 No.1 pp.126-139

The Role of the Seoul City Village Bus is it All Right?

Jae-min Jang,Sung-il Shin,Chi-Hoon Kim,LEE, Eubong


This study analyzed the factors affecting the decrease in village bus users before and after COVID-19, and based on this, a policy proposal for improving village bus management was presented. Since village buses are subject to financial subsidies based on the number of registered buses, variables affecting the number of registered buses were first estimated, and additional variables affected by the decrease in village bus users before and after COVID-19 were derived. As a result of the analysis, the number of registered village buses increased as the number of light rail stations, the number of universities, and the proportion of office workers increased, but the reduction rate of village bus users was also affected by the same variable. In other words, financial subsidies were high in places with a large number of registered village buses, but at the same time, the decrease rate of users was high, so the efficiency of financial subsidies was decreasing. In addition, the number of village buses operated is increasing mainly in autonomous districts with high financial independence, although they have a large purpose of operating underprivileged areas. The Seoul Metropolitan Government's financial subsidies should be used in a sustainable direction by integrating the publicity and profitability of village buses.

서울시 마을버스의 역할, 이대로 괜찮은가?



본 연구는 코로나_19전후 마을버스 이용객 감소에 미치는 요인을 분석하였고, 이를 기반으 로 마을버스 경영개선을 위한 정책안을 제시하였다. 마을버스는 등록대수를 기준으로 재정지 원금이 부과되므로 우선 마을버스 등록대수에 영향을 미치는 변수를 추정하였고, 코로나_19 전후 마을버스 이용객 감소의 영향변수를 추가로 도출하였다. 분석결과 마을버스 등록대수는 경전철 역사수, 대학교수, 직장인 비중이 많을수록 높아지는 특성을 보이나, 마을버스 이용객 감소율 역시 동일한 변수에 영향을 받고 있었다. 즉, 마을버스 등록대수가 많은 곳에 재정지원 금은 높지만 동시에 이용객 감소률도 높아 재정지원금의 효율성은 낮아지고 있었다. 이외에도 마을버스는 교통소외지역을 운행하는 목적이 크지만 재정자립도가 높은 자치구를 중심으로 운영대수가 높아지고 있다. 서울시의 재정지원금은 마을버스 공공성과 수익성을 통합하여 지 속가능성 있는 방향으로 활용되어야 할 것이다.




