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The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems Vol.7 No.1 pp.10-21

ATIS 체계 구축을 위한 출발지와 도착지의 경로 인지 특성 반영 확정적 사용자 최적통행배정 모형


A Deterministic User Optimal Traffic assignment Model with Rpute Perception Characteristics of Origins and Destinations for Advanced Traveler Information System

Seongil Shin,Keemin Sohn,Changju Lee


User travel behavior is based on the existence of complete traffic information in deterministic user optimal principle by Wardrop(1952). According to deterministic user optimal principle, users choose the optimal route from origin to destination and they change their routes arbitrarily in order to minimize travel cost. In this principle, users only consider travel time as a factor to take their routes. However, user behavior is not determined by only travel time in actuality. Namely, the models that reflect only travel time as a route choice factor could give irrational travel behavior results. Therefore, the model is necessary that considers various factors including travel time, transportation networks structure and traffic information. In this research, more realistic deterministic optimal traffic assignment model is proposed in the way of route recognizance behavior. This model assumes that when users decide their routes, they consider many factors such as travel time, road condition and traffic information. In addition, route recognizance attributes is reflected in this suggested model by forward searching method and backward searching method with numerical formulas and algorithms.